Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rev. Wright Full Speech

Not taken out of context. Quite good actually.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Detention Centre, concentration camp?

There are said to be 500 of these locations world wide. Why would an old abandoned General Motors plat have an Electric Fence? Also, this site is conveniently located across from a Police Dog Training Facility.

Filmed in 2006

Concentration Camps being built for U.S citizens

(This description was not written by ME) The following video was recently sent to me, and after the shock wore off I started researching this video and story line behind it. What I have learned and seen has lead me to believe Soon they will convince the American people a state of anarchy exists within the major cities, Due to a wave of alleged crime sweeping the nation and false threats from abroad. They are now building their case almost nightly on TV and daily in newspapers. When public opinion has been won over to this idea they intend to state that a terrorist group armed with a nuclear weapon has entered the United States and that they plan to detonate this device in one of our cities. The government will then suspend the Constitution and declare martial law. All dissidents, which translated into anyone they choose, will be rounded up and will be placed in concentration camps which already exist throughout the country. The media, radio, TV, newspapers, and computer networks will be nationalized and seized. Anyone who resists will be taken or killed. This entire operation was rehearsed by the government and military in 1984 under the code name REX-84 and it went off without a hitch. When these events have transpired the secret government takeover will be complete. Your freedom will never be returned and you will live in slavery for the remainder of your life. You had better wake up and you had better do it now. Check out and or

A is for Anonymous